Jan 15, 2016

Markets, Economy: The Last Thing That Janet Yellen Wants

The last thing that Janet Yellen wants to do is to hand the election to a Republican or maybe even to Donald Trump, so she is going to do whatever she can to deliver it to Hillary Clinton. She remembers what happened when Alan Greenspan bubble bursted while Bush was still in office, guaranteed that Obama would win and McCain had no chance with that kind of baggage. Well, she does not want to leave Hillary Clinton with the same kind of baggage. She wants Barack Obama to be able to leave claiming that he saved us.

Peter Schiff is an American businessman, investment broker and financial commentator. Schiff is the CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc.

U.S. Economy: All The Leading Indicators That Are Forward Looking Are Flashing Recession

Jobs are a lagging indicator. They do not tell you where the economy is going, they tell you where it has been. All the leading indicators that are forward looking are flashing recession and once this recession hits and all employers realize that they were wrong in anticipating a non-existing recovery, they will be laying off a lot of workers that they should never have hired in the first place. Then the unemployment rate is going to skyrocket, then all the non-farm payrolls are going to disappear and by then we will be deep in the recession.

Peter Schiff is an American businessman, investment broker and financial commentator. Schiff is the CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc.

Jan 13, 2016

Lots Of Downside To Markets & Economy

We had the worst opening week in the history of the stock market and I think there is a lot downside to come both for the market and for the economy.

It is amazing that some people are trying to pretend that there is no problem or they are trying to say that it is contained to China, or that the problems of the economy are contained to manufacturing and everything else is OK. That is what they said when the mortgage bubble bursted. They said it was contained to subprime or when the Nasdaq bubble bursted that it was contained to tech. It is never contained but they never run out of excuses.

Peter Schiff is an American businessman, investment broker and financial commentator. Schiff is the CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc.

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