Jun 8, 2018

Video: Gold Investment Strategies

Peter Schiff talks about gold at a mining conference in Canada.

Jun 6, 2018

Precious Metals: A Spike In Silver?

If global industrial growth soften or even plunge, so would lead/zinc and copper mining, which together accounted for 59 percent of silver extraction in 2017. That could also cause the price of silver to spike.

Related trading instruments: iShares Silver ETF (SLV)

Jun 5, 2018

The Federal Reserve Will Not Save The Stock Market Again

If the stock market gets cut in half again, the Fed is not going to bail you out with another round of quantitative easing. 

They’re not going to bail you out with rate cuts because the next time the Fed tries to do that, it will destroy the dollar. I am confident of that. The next time is the last time. We will have a dollar crisis and a sovereign debt crisis.

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