Oct 14, 2018

What Happens Next In 47 Words

1. Bear market;

2. Recession;

3. Deficits explode;

4. Return of ZIRP and QE;

5. Dollar tanks;

6. Gold soars;

7. CPI spikes;

8. Long-term rates rise;

9. Federal Reserve is forced to hike rates during recession

10. A financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts!

The Recession Is Obviously Coming

Recent article on Seeking Alpha.com: "Peter Schiff: The Recession Is Obviously Coming"

All Bear Markets Start Off As Corrections

“All bear markets start off as corrections. I think this one is probably a bear market. It’s long overdue. This is a bigger bubble than the one that blew up in 2008, and the crisis that is going to ensue is going to be far larger.” - in RT.com

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