Mar 1, 2020

The U.S. Economic "Recovery" Was Based On A Stock Market Bubble

The U.S. economic "recovery" was based on a stock market bubble. Once that bubble pops there is no way to avoid a severe recession. It does not matter why the bubble pops. All that matters is that it does. A stock market crash pulls the rug out from under an asset-based economy.

Sanders Generates Enthusiasm By Promising Free Stuff

Senator Bernie Sanders generates enthusiasm not by promising more freedom, but more free stuff. His sales pitch is not to allow voters to keep more of what they earn, but to take more of what others earn. It’s a campaign based on envy and theft, rather than personal achievement.

Sanders says “anyone who feels entitled to a decent standard of living” should join his campaign. No one is entitled to anything they did not earn. No one has a right to use government to steal what others have earned. Plus, what defines decent and who defines it?

Feb 13, 2020

Delinquent Auto Loans Are On The Rise!

It makes perfect sense that during what Trump claims is the greatest economic boom in world history that a record number of Americans can't even make their car payments!

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