Oct 12, 2020

More Stimulus Only Weakens The Economy Further

The misguided goal of the "stimulus" is to get consumers to spend more. But excess past consumption is why the economy is so weak now. We must reduce consumption to free up resources to increase capital investment and production. More spending only weakens the economy further.

Very appropriate that Larry Kudlow was wearing a mask when he claimed the V-shaped recover was going strong, but that the economy needed an additional $1.8 trillion in government "stimulus." The economy can't be simultaneously strong and also in need of massive government support.
Much darker days for the U.S. dollar lie ahead. It's going way down and taking the entire American economy down with it.

Oct 8, 2020

Powell Doesn't Understand Economics

Powell doesn't understand economics. Low interest rates are only good for the economy if they naturally result from high savings and low debt. If they result from Federal Reserve manipulation, they are extremely harmful. Like any government price control, it results in adverse imbalances.

The Fed's misguided monetary policy will create the condition where any cure for an inflation rate that greatly exceeds its 2% target will be fatal to the economy. If the inflation disease doesn't kill the economy, the cure will. The question is, which poison will the Fed pick?

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