"Bitcoin has no role in institutional or retail investors portfolios. It is not a currency: not an unit of account, not a scalable means of payment & is a highly volatile store of value. It is heavily manipulated."
-- Nouriel Roubini, economist
Nov 30, 2020
The Bitcoin Mania On CNBC
The reason it's so easy for Bitcoin pumpers to fool CNBC anchors into buying into the Bitcoin mania is that their understanding of investments, fiat money, gold, and economics is so limited. CNBC anchors are entertainers. At least sports anchors know something about sports.
Bitcoin Is Not Taking Any Market Share From Gold
Bitcoin is not taking any market share away from gold.
That hype is just part of the pump so the whales can dump.
The only markets where Bitcoin is taking share are for lottery tickets, sports betting, casino gaming, penny-stocks, and some overpriced large cap momentum stocks.
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