Oct 12, 2018

Markets: Stocks & Bonds

"If we get stocks going up then interest rates are gonna go back up which is gonna scare the market."

- Peter Schiff, Ep. 399: "Gold Breaks Out, Bitcoin Breaks Down" of the Peter Schiff Podcast

Oct 11, 2018

It's Not A Normal Bull Market Correction

Everybody is talking about how this is just a normal correction in a normal bull market. Well, first of all there's nothing normal about this bull market, right? This bull market is already the longest bull market ever. So based on duration it ain't normal. Also based on all the stimulus that was required to create it, all the quantitative easing, the years of 0% interest rates, there is nothing normal about this bull market. If anything it's a bubble, it's not just a bull market and of course if it's not a normal bull market then why would it have a normal correction, right?

My Feeling About The Stock Market Was Confirmed

My feeling about the stock market was confirmed today with a 831 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 3.15%. This is the biggest decline that the Dow has had since that 1000-plus point drop that we had in February. I think it's maybe the third biggest down day ever point-wise.

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