May 26, 2020

Inflation Is Bullish For Gold

Investors are selling gold and gold mining stocks because a rising Dow Jones means risk is on, so safe havens are reflexively sold. But the Dow Jones Industrials Average is only up because the Federal Reserve is creating inflation to prop it up. This is ultimately far more bullish for gold than it is for the Dow.

May 20, 2020

The Rise Of Gold

The relentless rise in the price of gold will call into question the viability of the U.S. dollar and its ability to continue to as the world's reserve currency. Given the lack of yield, if the dollar keeps losing value relative to gold, it will lose its reserve status to gold.

Does Powell Watch The Price Of Gold?

Someone should also ask Powell if he watches the price of gold, and if there is a price that would be high enough to concern him that Fed monetary policy is too loose, and that a dollar crisis might result from a failure to raise rates sharply and sell down the balance sheet?

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