Jun 19, 2020

The Role Of A Central Bank

We don't want a Central Bank that helps the Federal Government go deeper into debt. We want a central bank that forces Congress to cut spending or suffer the adverse consequences of rising interest rates and recession if it fails to do so.

An easy way to tell how bad a job Powell is doing as Fed Chair is that every member of Congress is praises him and thanking him for his help. We need a Fed Chair with the courage to do what's right for the country even if it's unpopular with Congress and the public at the time.

May 29, 2020

Bitcoin, Gold and Inflation

While Goldman Sachs is correct to warn its clients to avoid Bitcoin, its assessment of the U.S. economy, the U.S. Dollar and inflation is wrong. But once they finally figure out what should already be obvious, they will advise their clients to buy gold, just at much higher prices.

May 28, 2020

U.S. Dollar: The Reason Why Goldman Sachs Is Bullish

Maybe the real reason Goldman Sachs is so bullish on the dollar is that as a primary dealer of U.S. Treasuries, they have a lot of dollars to sell. If Goldman's clients realized the dollar's fate, they wouldn't buy any Treasuries. Whether default or inflation, loss is inevitable.

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