Sep 15, 2020

It's Never The Time To Worry About The Deficits

On CNBC, Steve Mnuchin said that given a Covid weakened economy now is not the time to worry about deficits. But before Covid when the economy was supposedly booming, he was not worried about the deficits either.

In other words, it's never the time to worry about the deficits.

Sep 11, 2020

Stock Market Correction

Those hoping that a normal stock market correction will create a buying opportunity don't understand the market. A normal correction is much too small to create any real value in stocks. The only opportunity is reckless Fed policy making over-priced stocks even more expensive.

Greenspan Is Worried About Inflation

Alan Greenspan told  CNBC his primary economic concern is inflation. That's in sharp contrast to the view of the current Fed Chairman. Powell is worried inflation is too low while Greenspan is worried it's too high. If Greenspan is correct Powell's policy will end in disaster.

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