Dec 22, 2020

Gold Is An Inflation Hedge

Gold is an inflation hedge because it's also a commodity. When inflation reduces the purchasing power of fiat currencies, it takes more units of the inflated currency to buy a given commodity. Since gold is also a commodity, it maintains its value relative to other commodities.

Since gold retains one hundred percent of its properties over time, and is easy to store, it's an ideal asset for consumers to hold during periods of high inflation. While more units of currency are need to buy commodities, the same quantity of gold can still be exchanged for other commodities.

Dec 9, 2020

Why Bond Yields Are So Low

Low bond yields have lulled many investors into a false sense of confidence that inflation is't a rising threat. But yields are only this low because of market manipulation by the Federal Reserve, which ironically intervenes in the bond market by creating even more inflation to buy bonds.

Dec 6, 2020

The Reason Why Gold Stocks Aren't Rising Yet

Inflationary pressures are building and investors are bidding up prices of inflation sensitive stocks. But they're not buying gold stocks yet as investors still expect the Federal Reserve to fight inflation by raising interest rates. But the Fed will surrender to inflation without a fight.

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