Apr 13, 2022

Bitcoin: The Big Money Is Selling

Everything went perfectly for Bitcoin over the past year. Non-stop positive media coverage, unprecedented advertising blitz, mega conferences, growing political support, celebrity endorsements, mainstream adoption, institutional investment, ETFs, NFTs, El Salvador, inflation, war, economic sanctions, etc. 

Yet despite all the hype and good news the price of Bitcoin is down 38% Year on Year (YOY). If none of this was sufficient to send the price of Bitcoin higher, what will? Wake up HODLers. You're being played. The big money is selling. It's a classic pump and dump!

Apr 5, 2022

Inflation: The Genie Has Never Been Further From The Bottle!

The saying "don't let the inflation genie out of the bottle didn't evolve for no reason. The Federal Reserve has never waited so long to fight inflation, nor perused a more inflationary monetary policy before picking the fight. As a result the genie has never been further from the bottle!

Fed Talk: "Balance Sheet Reduction Will Be Rapid"

Brainard's assertion that Federal Reserve’s balance sheet reduction will be rapid rests on her false assumption that the U.S. economy remains strong throughout the process. If the Federal Reserve follows through with this threat bonds will crash, taking the stock market and the economy down with it!

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