Nov 27, 2019

Update: Recession Warning, Bitcoin & Smaller Government

Recession Early Warning? 

Well, it looks like the rich are tightening their belts. According to a report at Yahoo Finance, spending by the rich has slowed over the last year. This could be an early warning of a recession. Spending by the top 10% of households by income makes up nearly half of overall consumption in the US. 

I Want Less Government 

A lot of people want the rich to pay more taxes so that government can be bigger. I want the rich and everyone else to pay less taxes so that the government can be smaller. Less taxes means more freedom and prosperity. Let's make government smaller so the economy can be bigger! 

Early Bitcoin Buyers 

Not everyone who got into #Bitcoin early is ahead. Many took flyers on Bitcoin with small amounts of money early on. After the huge rise, thinking they were smart instead of lucky, they added much larger sums at much higher prices. So now they are down overall or soon will be.

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