Jan 25, 2019

The End Of Quantitative Tightening

As I forecast from the day the Federal Reserve first announced its plan to shrink its balance sheet, it now admits it will abort the process long before it's finished. I also forecast that this policy reversal would be a precursor to a return to quantitative easing (QE). That forecast will soon come true too.

Jan 23, 2019

More People Are Going To Wake Up To The Benefits Of Owning Gold

We've entered a bear market and we're now in a correction, we're having a rally in a bear market in the US. But I think this is early in the bear market so as that grinds down, as we make new lows and as inflation really starts to take a toll on the real value of people's savings and their investments (not just their stocks but in particular their bonds, their savings the cash value of their insurance policies) as inflation too starts to erode away their purchasing power, more and more people are gonna wake up to the benefits of owning gold.

Jan 16, 2019

The Primary Trend In Stocks Is Down

Because the bubble popped we entered a bear market in the US. Right now we're having our first correction in that bear market where you get a rally.

In a bull market the corrections are down. Well, in a bear market the corrections are when the market moves up and I think we're in one of those right now but I think the primary trend in stocks is down.

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